Posted in Arty Stuff, Designs/illustrations, Sewing

Groovy charity shop tee

Yet again, i made another christmas present for one of my friends. My vision was to create the lamest tshirt ever! So i went out to a variety of charity shops in my town and tried to find some weird graphic tees and mesh then together: 

Once i had all the pieces together, i sewed it together using my machine. I then embroidered some comic details on it using my sewing machine again: 

Really feeling inspired to create my own tshirts and stuff in the future!! So hopefully there will be much more to come 🙌🏻🌸✨

Posted in Arty Stuff, Sewing

Bee Tee and New Desk Space

In my spare time this week I decided to ‘re-vamp’ an old tshirt of mine! Recently I’ve had a  thing for bees and all things girly 🐝🌸☺️✌️️ 

Yet again I used freehand sewing on my sewing machine and just went for it!  

Also I have changed my specialisation at college and have moved from doing Fashion to doing 3D Materials as I felt it would give me a stronger protfolio for studying Architecture at Uni. I’m already enjoying it so much and have had a lot of fun yesterday boarding up my desk!:

I got to cut some of the wood, paint it up and drill it together 🛠 it was my first using the drill 😂 I also went and got stuff from the freebie bin at Tiger to add to it, check out how I’ve sneakily covered up this chirstmasy mistletoe jar to make it more seasonally appropriate: 

More pics and stuff to come as I have actually done quite a few crafty things whilst on “hiatus” lol!! 🤗🙏🏻

Posted in Designs/illustrations, Sewing

Tshirt Designs Using my Sewing Machine

So in the lead up to Christmas i decided to design and create my own tshirts as a gift for someone who was very special to me 😊 

The tshirt designs were based off inside jokes that we shared and i used freehand seeing techniques on my sewing machine to create them! 

I drew the designs on paper (refining them several times beforehand using my lightbox) and then placed the paper over the fabric to guide my sewing  

Posted in Sewing

Pocket Project

So ages ago I quickly threw this together..

The idea was to hand it up on the wall so I could put my phone, keys, etc in it to help keep me organised. Unfortunately the only wall it has seen is the back of my wardrobe! I unearthed it today and am looking forward to finally hanging it up on the wall when I move house 🏠🚚 📦📦📦📦📦